Equipment for plow sticks

Stickup 800

Picking up sticks can be a heavy and not least dangerous job for a person who is out on the vehicle and picking. Stickup 800 facilitates and streamlines the picking of bread sticks. The machine picks all types of sticks at up to 15km / h.


Stickset 500

Stickset 500 sørger for automatisk setting og opptak av brøytestikker. Maskinen er lett og kompakt, og bygger ikke ut over kjøretøyets bredde under transport. Patentert gripeklo er skånsom mot stikkene, ingen omstilling etter stikkediameter eller stikkelengde.


Stickset Light

Stickset-light is now made in a completely new construction. The machine is built in modules, ie you choose how many parts you need to adapt the machine to your vehicle. A flexible and efficient machine for manual setting of plow sticks.